At EPSOD we want everyone to feel safe and secure and we aim to provide a healthy environment for staff and students. EPSOD recognises the importance of ensuring and maintaining the health, safety and welfare of its employees and students therefore it is committed to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury and damage to property and to protect everyone from foreseeable hazards. This policy applies to staff, volunteers, students and visitors. We achieve this by; having up current and up to date public liability insurance and a regular visual risk assessment is carried out by members of staff. Implementation will be achieved by compliance with legal requirements, provision of safe and adequate work systems, strong safety supervision and training to ensure competence in our workforce. All students have a responsibility to accept their personal involvement in the practical application of this policy. All members of staff have a responsibility for promoting and ensuring the practical application of this policy. The school principal has a responsibility to review and update this policy and to ensure implementation.

EPSOD staff have a responsibility for monitoring Health and Safety on a day to day basis. Fire exits are located at both sides of the hall and at the bottom of the studio steps are always accessible and free from blockages. If the fire alarm sounds everyone in the hall should make their way to Fair View car park and from the studio to the Dr Syntax car park. The teacher of that class will have registration details to ensure no one is left in the building and will contact emergency services. Should a fire drill be scheduled all people in the building will be made aware of the times from the church comittee. The doors to the church are kept locked and only the hall fire door is left open only when a member of staff is present in the hall. Registers are taken for each class. Cleaning products are stored in a separate room and are out of reach of children. A no smoking policy is in operation for all areas of the building. All teachers are first aid trained. A first aid box is accessible for staff and is located in the sunny room cupboard and the kitchen. All accidents are recorded. Should treatment other than first aid be needed, staff will contact emergency services and if necessary accompany the victim to hospital until a family member is present. Should any medication need to be administered to young people the child’s parent/carer will need to be present to administer.